NDNEEL2s&zÿÿÿÿV<Accession No: Affiliation: 'Author(s): Availability: BL Location: Conference: Content Type: Provider: / DOI: +Identifier: ISSN: Language: 2Note(s): Number: ; Number: Page: Provider: 0Publisher:  Series: Source: $In: ; p. ; ; ; Source:  In: ; p. ; ; Source: In: ; p. ; Source: In: Source: Source Ed:  Sponsor: Standard No:  SUBJECT(S):Title: ------- DD[ ] - . D edited by by H H: , USA [ ] , U.S.A. D[ ] , D DD p. ; : p Dby HD*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition HS: . [ ] / , ( ) DHDDDScale DDDSLSDL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'DD ISBN ISSN : DH/ÿOCLC Database: q‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ ‚ {NONE}  ™PapersFirst (OCLC)OCLCKPapersFirst records describe conference papers which *have* been published in a collection of proceedings, which means they are essentially "book sections" thus are imported as such. After importing, conference information can be found in the Notes field. N.B. A "conference paper" is a paper which has not been published in a collection of proceedings or in a journal (in reality it is usually a stack of pages stapled in the corner and given out at conferences in that format); "conference proceedings" describe a collection of papers and not any one paper within that collection. PapersFirst